Legs/Lower Body Exercises

1. Calf Raises

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, chest out, shoulders rolled out, and abs engaged. Raise your heels and hold for 1 second. Feel the stretch at the back on your lower legs. Slowly lower your heels and raise them again. For the next set, do the exercise faster with your feet wider apart.

2. Jump Squats

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, chest out, shoulders relaxed, and abs engaged. Push your hips out, flex your knees, and get into a sitting posture. Your knees should not overshoot your toes. Get back up and jump. Throw your hands to the side to propel your body up. Land softly on the floor and squat down again.

3. Jump Lunges

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, chest out, shoulders rolled back, and abs engaged. Take a step forward with your right leg. Flex both your knees and lower your body. Stop when your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Push your body up into a jump. Simultaneously, bring your left leg forward and right leg backward. Land softly on the floor.

4. Side Lunges

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, and palms together. Lift your right leg off the floor and place it wide apart, as shown in the image. Make sure your toes are facing forward, shoulders relaxed, chest out, and core engaged. Flex your right knee, keep your spine straight, and lower your body to the right. Make sure your left leg is fully extended, and your left foot is flat on the floor. Keep your palms together for support. Hold this pose for a second and feel the stretch in your left inner thigh.Get back to the starting position. Do the same with the other leg also.

5. Single-Leg Deadlifts

Stand straight with your feet together. Roll your shoulders back, pop your chest up, and engage your core. Take a small step ahead with your right leg. This is the starting position. Keeping your left knee soft, bend forward, and lift your left foot off the floor. Extend your hands and try touching the floor. Hold this pose for a second and then come back to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

6. Plank Toe Touch

Get into a plank position. Lift your left palm off the floor and touch your right foot. Push your hips up toward the ceiling while doing so. Get back to the starting position. Lift the right palm off the floor and touch your left toe. This completes one rep.

7. Alternating Leg Drops

Lie down on a mat, place your hands close to your hips, and palms flat on the floor. Keep your knees soft. Lift both your legs straight up. This is the starting position. Drop your right leg. Bring it up again. Simultaneously, drop your left leg. This completes one rep.

8. Burpees

Keep your feet together and assume a squat down position. Place your arms on the ground in front of your feet. Keep your feet together and get ready to jump back so that you can land in a push-up position. Bend your forearms and perform a single push-up in this position. Jump back to the previous position and bring your feet beneath your body. Leap into the air. Land smoothly and bend your legs. Repeat these steps again and practice as long as you can.

9. Bear Crawl

Get down on all fours, with the hands and shoulders in one line, and knees at a 90-degree angle. Keep your head high and stretch your spine completely. Your back must be parallel to ground. Raise both the knees so that your entire body weight is on your hands and shoulders. Crawl forward by putting one hand and the opposite foot forward. Repeat with the other hand and foot. Ensure your knees do not touch the ground. Keep your hips down. Crawl a longer distance.

10. Inch Worm

Stand straight with feet hip-width apart, keeping your spine straight. Stretch and roll back your shoulders. Bend forward and touch the floor with both hands. Walk your hands forward, keeping your legs straight. Keep walking until your entire body is in a plank position. Walk your hands backward. This way, you will come to the starting position.

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